3rd Day - Basic Course

2021 Edition


Practical Activity GROUP - data download


L7 - Mars Geology Overview (lecture)

Lucia Marinangeli (UNICH)


L8 - Geological Mapping on Martian sedimentary environments (lecture)

Monica Pondrelli (UNICH)


S4 - Mars Mapping hands on

Angelo Pio Rossi (JACOBS)


S4 - GMAP VA services and PLANMAP heritage

Angelo Pio Rossi (JACOBS)

3rd Day - Advanced Course


L9 - Introduction to the advanced course (Lecture)
A step forward in the geological mapping

Matteo Massironi (UNIPD)

Exemplary Hands on sessions


S4 - Exemplary Hands on Mars Mapping

Introduction to the dataset and the use of Mappy tool

Matteo Massironi (UNIPD)

S4 - Exemplary Hands on Mars Mapping

Part A

Angelo Pio Rossi (JACOBS)

S4 - Exemplary Hands on Mars Mapping

Part B

Angelo Pio Rossi (JACOBS)

S4 - Exemplary Hands on Mars Mapping

Perspective views

Matteo Massironi (UNIPD)